Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 1 Artwork

A Series 1 Ninth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

I originally attempted a Series 1 cover in January of this year, but for ages, I was never really happy with it. I’m only a beginner with graphics design; Making these can be really tricky. I still don’t know what exactly felt off to about the original version, but I’ve had a go at revising it; completely redoing the background and colours. The Doctor composite remains the same; I started a new attempt on redoing the arms but I just couldn’t get it right.

March 2024 Revised Version:

Below is the breakdown for the original cover (version 1) from January 2024.

Special thanks to my friend Tweetlord for suggesting the anti-plastic vial from Rose to place in the Doctor’s hand. Since the RTD Sonic Screwdriver is represented on my Series 2 cover, I wanted to choose a different item for this one to ensure each piece is unique.

Special thanks to The Black Archive and Tragical History Tour for their much appreciated work compiling high quality images of Doctor Who.

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