Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 13 Artwork

A Series 13 Thirteenth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

This piece covers Flux + the 2022 Specials (Eve of the Daleks, Legend of the Sea Devils & The Power of the Doctor). I thought about including Revolution of the Daleks as part of this since I always thought there’d be a DVD box set collecting all 4 specials + Flux; Then it’d be a 5-disc set, but alas it has not come to be. On the Series 12 cover I’m doing (which as of writing is unfinished) I use a picture from Revolution for a hand and it fits better in that season anyway what with Graham and Ryan.

Did you know that the Doctor only wears a blue shirt in Series 13 for one episode? And that there’s no pictures of her facing straight on the camera while wearing that shirt? And that if I want to have her hold the ice cream from The Power of the Doctor, I have to frankenstein a blue shirt because she wears it during that moment? Yeah! It’s true! Fun! I’m having fun!

Special thanks to The Black Archive for their much appreciated work compiling high quality images.

Series 12 is next… and the last… until Series 14.

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 11 Artwork

A Series 11 Thirteenth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

Before I made this piece, the only 13th Doctor episode I had seen more than once was her first, The Woman Who Fell to Earth. I really had no ideas for what I could put in her hand for this season other than the sonic. When I went through The Black Archive photo gallery, I thought about using the cube thing from Resolution, which would free up the sonic to be used for the S13 cover.

Other people have made their own S13 Collection-style covers and used the fob watch and glowing pyramid thing; I always try to do something different with mine, but if I can’t find anything else, then at least I’ll have the sonic left. Basically, if I can save the sonic until it’s absolutely necessary then I will.

Cube thing from Resolution

Having now rewatched Resolution, I still have no idea what the cube thing is. I swear it just shows up suddenly with no explanation. Might be a DNA sample?

My friend Simon (Tweetlord) suggested using the custard cream biscuit from The Ghost Monument. She only holds it for two seconds at the end of the episode, but it’s far more interesting than the sonic (and it’s funny). How could I not?

Custard cream biscuit from The Ghost Monument

I put consideration into the colour(s) to use for each season. I don’t want use the same colour for two seasons in a row, so if Series 11 is gold and teal (or whatever blue this is), Series 12 has to be something different. I think I might use blue for S12, so I had to change S11.

Work in progress S11 cover with blue

Special thanks to The Black Archive and Tragical History Tour for their much appreciated work compiling high quality images.

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 6 Artwork

A Series 6 Eleventh Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

I really wanted for this cover to use the green coat outfit from the second half of series 6, but ultimately I couldn’t source the pictures needed to construct a composite in this pose even going through the Blu-rays looking for frames from the episodes.

Draft for a green coat composite

I was adamant about putting the sonic in his hand for this cover. I gotta make sure the Doc holds their sonic on one of their covers, and since S7 had the glasses and S5 had the mirror, that left S6. I must have seen every picture of Matt Smith holding the sonic while trying to make this composite. The arm for this composite was taken from the DVD insert for Series 6 which I had to digitally scan to get the picture since it wasn’t available online.

The torso and head of this composite comes from a photo shoot for the Children in Need 2011 special episode.

The hexagonal shapes in the background come from the cage holding Idris in The Doctor’s Wife.

Special thanks to The Black Archive and Tragical History Tour for their much appreciated work compiling high quality images.

With this cover, I’ve finally completed covers for the first 10 series of modern Doctor Who!

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 5 Artwork

A Series 5 Eleventh Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

Making the composite for Matt Smith seasons are so difficult cause there are so few pictures of him facing the camera. I have to give credit to Tim Hill who last year used the same torso and face pictures I used for this for his own art piece (which is incredible). I try my best to avoid using the same pictures as others who have made similar art pieces, but at the end of the day the only pictures that can be used are ones that have been taken. I can’t make a composite out of pictures that don’t exist, so this was inevitable. I’m probably more disappointed than I should be.

I do wonder that if Lee Binding ever creates his own versions of these modern series Collection covers, will he end up using the same pictures as I have for a composite? He’s far more experienced and skilled than I am, so perhaps he’ll identify a better, more suitable picture of Matt Smith in the archive.

Special thanks to The Black Archive and Tragical History Tour for their much appreciated work compiling high quality images.

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 3 Artwork

A Series 3 Tenth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

I started working on this piece way back in January when I found a great picture to use for the torso, but I almost abandoned this one when trying to get something into the Doctor’s hand.

The obvious choice for this season was the fob watch from Human Nature. It was a challenge putting the hand composite together, even now I’m still not sure if I succeeded. There are pictures of the 8th and 13th Doctors holding a fob watch, but a challenge I set myself with these covers is to only use pictures from the respective season, so I had to get creative. I thought about using the timey-wimey detector from Blink if I could find the right pictures for a Blink outfit composite, but that didn’t pan out.

Special thanks to The Black Archive and Tragical History Tour for their much appreciated work compiling high quality images.

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 1 Artwork

A Series 1 Ninth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

I originally attempted a Series 1 cover in January of this year, but for ages, I was never really happy with it. I’m only a beginner with graphics design; Making these can be really tricky. I still don’t know what exactly felt off to about the original version, but I’ve had a go at revising it; completely redoing the background and colours. The Doctor composite remains the same; I started a new attempt on redoing the arms but I just couldn’t get it right.

March 2024 Revised Version:

Below is the breakdown for the original cover (version 1) from January 2024.

Special thanks to my friend Tweetlord for suggesting the anti-plastic vial from Rose to place in the Doctor’s hand. Since the RTD Sonic Screwdriver is represented on my Series 2 cover, I wanted to choose a different item for this one to ensure each piece is unique.

Special thanks to The Black Archive and Tragical History Tour for their much appreciated work compiling high quality images of Doctor Who.

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 2 Artwork

A Series 2 Tenth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

Revised cover from March 2024:

Original cover:

Special thanks to my friend Tweetlord for help with deciding what colours to use and what to put in the Doctor’s hand this season, and some outfit stuff.

This is the first series I’ve gone back and rewatched before making the cover which I think helped with choosing appropriate colours, attire etc. I chose aqua/teal for the base of this cover to match the coral TARDIS interior from this series.

I almost put the Emperor of the Racnoss from The Runaway Bride on this cover to push my belief that Runaway Bride belongs to Series 2. I mean it picks up literally the second after Doomsday. In most cases I see the annual Christmas special as an epilogue to the series that aired that year. The obvious exception of course is The Christmas Invasion which is represented on this cover as I feel it makes less sense to bundle with Christopher Eccleston’s short-lived era, but then again, The Twin Dilemma. I ended up not putting the Racnoss on here mainly because I couldn’t figure out a placement that looked good.

Special thanks to The Black Archive for their much appreciated work compiling high quality images.

Doctor Who: The Collection – 60th Anniversary Artwork

A 60th Anniversary Fourteenth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

At first I hated the idea of David Tennant playing the Fourteenth Doctor. I thought it was a missed opportunity to normalise new episodes with old Doctors – how amazing would a Paul McGann 8th Doctor special be?! My feelings changed immediately after watching Destination: Skaro. Genuinely my favourite episode in the entire show.

Aged like milk.
Work in progress Doctor composite
Monsters collage early draft
Breakdown video

With thanks to @TBAGallery for HQ images.

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 4 Artwork

A Series 4 Tenth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

Revised March 2024 Version:

Original version:

Special thanks to my friend Tweetlord for helping me decide what colours to use for this season and what the Doctor should hold in his hand this time … this time being nothing, but a regenerating hand.

Though technically it’s inaccurate, since both times he regenerates in this season (The Stolen Earth and The End of Time, and yes I count Series 4 + the Specials as part of the same season) he doesn’t wear a trench coat. The decision to give him this outfit for this cover came down to the struggles finding pics of him raising his hand while wearing a trench coat in Series 2. I want to give him a different outfit on each season cover, so if he can’t wear a trench coat on the Series 2 cover, he’s got to on this one. The plan for Series 3 is the Blink outfit, and the plan for Series 2 is the black/dark grey suit. He wears the blue suit in this one with a trench coat.

Yeah.. I realised that my creativity is not that innovative when I discovered the pose I was doing for the Doctor was nearly identical to the pose on the official Specials steelbook. But I try to pick a pose/item for the Doctor to hold that’s most thematically relevant to the respective season. Except for when I gave Capaldi the memory worm on the Series 8 cover, but that’s cause I couldn’t find good pics of him holding chalk like from Listen. I know I’m being pedantic and stubborn, but I try not to use pics from other seasons or actors outside of the season I’m doing a cover for. It feels like cheating. The one time I broke this rule was when I used pics from the Series 9 sonic screwdriver reveal video for the Series 10 cover. Outside of that, never!

I was really unsure of the colour scheme to use for this cover… so here’s another version. It was hard to decide; Red and blue works well for the Tennant era overall, but purple fits Series 4… but gold/orange fits the Specials. When I started these covers, I honestly chose colour for each cover based solely on the section of the title sequence I was using for the background. I was happy with this until some person on Reddit said the Series 8 and 9 colours should have been swapped, so I’ve been unsure of my decisions ever since. Lesson learned: Don’t use Reddit.

With thanks to @TBAGallery for HQ images.

Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 3 Artwork

A Season 3 First Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

I made this to procrastinate on two final uni assignments I have due in three days. What have I done.

Breakdown of the Doctor composite
Breakdown of the Doctor composite
Breakdown of the monsters collage

With thanks to @TBAGallery for HQ images.

Doctor Who: The Collection – Wilderness Years Artwork

A Wilderness Years / Eighth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

Not a fob watch or sonic in his hand cause I felt that’d be too obvious. Hope you get the mosaic explosions reference otherwise it probably just looks a bit weird.

For Scream of the Shalka and Shada, I used a Flash Decompiler to extract svg’s from the archived swf’s to get high quality art of the Shalka and Krarg.

With thanks to @TBAGallery @tjdw5251 @FlorianIgnazEl and @thebluebox5339 for their 4k upscales and HQ images.

Breakdown of the Doctor composite
Breakdown of the monsters composite


Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 10 Artwork

A Series 10 Twelfth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

The hardest Capaldi piece to construct since photos of this outfit (from Twice Upon a Time) are so limited. His right arm alone is constructed from five different pictures. 🫠

With thanks to @TBAGallery for HQ images.

Breakdown of the Doctor composite
Breakdown of the Doctor’s right arm composite
Breakdown of the monsters composite

Completed Feb 18, 2023

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 9 Artwork

A Series 9 Twelfth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

This was the first Photoshop composite poster thing I made.

With thanks to @TBAGallery for HQ images.

Breakdown of the Doctor composite
Breakdown of the monsters composite


Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 8 Artwork

A Series 8 Twelfth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection.

Finding pictures where the Doctor’s arms are bent is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

Breakdown of the Doctor composite
Breakdown of the monsters composite
