Category: Uncategorized

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 13 Artwork

A Series 13 Thirteenth Doctor fan art piece in the style of Lee Binding’s work for Doctor Who: The Collection. This piece covers Flux + the 2022 Specials…

Doctor Who: The Collection – Matching Posters

Doctor Who posters in 2:3 aspect ratio

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 11 Artwork

Thirteenth Doctor art piece

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 6 Artwork

Eleventh Doctor art piece

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 5 Artwork

Eleventh Doctor art piece

Doctor Who: The Collection – Series 3 Artwork

Tenth Doctor art piece

Jet Set Radio – 3D Cover Animation

A tribute to Jet Set Radio (I have never played it)

The definitive TempusWare website

I’ve finally finished making my new website, superseding both my previous version of and TempusWare: The Archive. This time around, I used Jekyll – a static site…

Doctor Who: The Collection – 60th Anniversary Artwork

Fourteenth Doctor art piece


Welcome to my blog. I post Doctor Who art and rambles about various projects I’m doing.

Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 3 Artwork

First Doctor art piece